Between You and Me (2001) - Belinda Reynolds
for violin, vibraphone, and CD
Arranged for ELECTRA; originally commissioned by Twisted Tutu and Common Sense; U.S. Premiered Lincoln Center "Great Performers" Series May 2004
BETWEEN YOU AND ME: Lies. Secrets. How people deal with lying is the focus of this work for sampler and live electronics. In 1997, I interviewed five women, of different ages and backgrounds. Of each of them I asked the following questions: ‘What is your definition of a lie?’ ‘When, if ever, is it okay to lie?’ ‘Tell me about an experience in which you either lied or were lied to.’, and ‘Do men and women lie differently?’ The tapes from these interviews became the basis for this simple, yet disturbing work. Between you and me ...was commissioned in 1997 for Twisted Tutu as part of the Common Sense Composers’ Collective Fourth Annual Collaboration Project.