BRIDGES (2008) - Belinda Reynolds
for chamber orchestra
Commissioned by San Francisco Chamber Orchestra;
Dedicated to Ben Simon
BRIDGES was commissioned by the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra and funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission Individual Grants Fund. I titled the work to reflect both how the piece is constructed and under the circumstances it was conceived. First, BRIDGES refers to how the opening melody is interspersed throughout the different instruments, each passing it to one another. This process continues throughout the work as I devise canons of all sorts to restate the material. The result is a feeling of the music bridging in upon itself both harmonically and melodically. The other use of BRIDGES refers to the three bridges of the Bay Area and how the talented musicians of the SFCO cross these countless times during their day as they go from one rehearsal/performance to another. Their dedication, stamina, and high artistry are an inspiration to us all in the music community.
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Approx. Duration: 10'30"